Occupational therapists
If you are an occupational therapist and you work helping both children and adults to recover their movements or they can resume their daily activities in an autonomous and effective way, here you will find games that can be useful in your sessions.
We offer educational materials and games that will help you to develop, among other things, psychomotor skills, senses, viso-spatial coordination, memory, attention and the organization of time. Don't miss them!
Occupational therapy for children with learning difficulties
Akros' materials for occupational therapy serve to enhance the child's ability to act and promote his or her vital interests at home, in school and in society. For children, play is their way of knowing the world and allows them to develop their emotional, mental and physical abilities. The occupational therapist ensures that children with learning difficulties reach the age-appropriate level of maturity by training them in these skills.
The key to therapy is symbolic play. From the second year of life, when the child plays, he often imitates what happens in reality by pretending to be an object, or by representing actions or situations that are not present thanks to his imagination. Children begin to conceptualize abstract relationships with real-life symbols and references, and play becomes a fundamental mode of mental representation.
Benefits of play in occupational therapy
The games in which the child plays roles, or relational games, typical of therapy, are as versatile as they are simple; factors that do not detract from their effectiveness. Therapy games can address different objectives and work on competitiveness, imagination, physical movement, expressiveness, intelligence or ingenuity; and consist of individual or group activities. In the Akros catalogue, specialists will find toys that will entertain and capture the interest of the children involved in the different therapies.
Through the playful activities of occupational therapy, each person has the opportunity to explore, recreate and develop new roles and to break down negative linkages in a fun way. Spontaneity stimulates patterns of rupture, transformations and risks of change. Akros games for occupational therapists work on the child's spontaneity and creativity, and these two characteristics cannot exist without each other. Spontaneity is a characteristic of human beings, especially in children, who are naturally inclined towards activities that give them satisfaction. In fact, therapy with a child with learning difficulties is impossible if the activities are not playful for the child.
Occupational Therapy is based on games and activities where daily activities are symbolized, always keeping the playful atmosphere. Playing eliminates the stress of situations that are represented in the game, the child gets a sense of self-control and control of the situation, and gets to exercise his fantasy. When the young person reinforces his or her self-image, motivation increases and he or she enters a virtuous circle of personal evolution.