Communication impairment (Dysphasia)

Dysphasia is a language acquisition disorder that manifests itself in an alteration of speech expression and comprehension.

Depending on the type of dysphasia that the child has (comprehension, expression or mixed), the game must be oriented to work on what we want to promote, always from a playful and fun perspective. With exercises of orofacial praxias, morphosyntactic exercises or exercises that work the communication we will help you to work the expression. With exercises of discrimination and auditory memory, semantic field or that associate vocabulary with images, we will favour the development of comprehension.

Don't miss this selection of letter games, words, images and stories for children with dysphasia.

Disfasia | Akros Educational
Spin the wheels, look at the pictures and let your imagination run wild! Includes 8 themed wheels with real-world images, 2 rewritable wheels, an erasable marker and cards with icons for assigning the wheels and saying whose turn it is. Work in a group to create amazing stories together!
Play, understand and memorise MULTIPLICATION TABLES. At your own pace, and starting from what you already know. A unique, creative, fun and proven process to gain a comprehensive understanding. With this game, you will be able to learn and memorise the multiplication tables, check them and revise them, test your knowledge, interpret and solve problems....
Skills Development Games

Guess what i am!

1 Reviews
Throw the dice and pick up the corresponding colour card. Don´t show it to anyone, turn over the hourglass and start acting. Whoever manages to guess what youre representing before the time runs out gets to keep the card. The winner is the person with the most cards.
Skills Development Games

Guess what they're thinking

Observe the different pictures, put yourself in the character’s shoes, and try to guess what they’re thinking. Helps to improve social skills, communication and empathy. Includes 54 photographs and 22 dialogue balloons to express what the characters are thinking.
Skills Development Games

Funny stories from home

Game comprising 12 amusing stories which occur at home. It includes question-cards to let your imagination run wild and imagine different endings.
Skills Development Games

Listen and put the stories in order

Listen to the 6 classic stories and put the cartoons in order. Each story has a different coloured frame, which helps to develop a sense of time and chronological perception.
Improving speech and pronunciation

Blowing adventures

Go through obstacles, direct the ball and reach your goal! Two fun scenes that help to exercise intensity, strength and directional blowing skills to develop optimum breathing patterns. You can play alone or in pairs.
Skills Development Games

The 4 blowing games

1 Reviews
Four fun games that allow you to train the blowing strength, blowing control and to exercise directional skills. To develop a correct respiratory pattern.
Skills Development Games

Logo-bits cards for oral motor speech therapy

2 Reviews
These orofacial practice cards help people to adopt the correct positioning of the lips, tongue, jaw and palate, maximizing the coordination and strength of the orofacial muscles. Orofacial praxis cards are part of Myofunctional Therapy (TMF) which is especially recommended for re-educating the habits of sucking, breathing, chewing, swallowing,...
Skills Development Games

Lecto-bits cards for starting to read with vowels

These pre-reading cards are based on a very simple concept vowels and an entertaining working system: Lecto-Bits. They help to develop the habit of reading without the need to know all the letters in the alphabet, just the vowels. The set contains five blocks with different levels of difficulty.  This cards help to accelerate the normal process of...
These cards feature all the phonetic syllables in the alphabet to help improve recognition of letters, speed up the reading process and help to identify whether there is any anomaly in a particular phonetic group so this can subsequently be worked on with the relevant Logo-Bit cards. These cards help to speed up the normal reading learning process of any...
Phono-articulatory training cards which include all the consonant clusters for the repetitive practice of the different consonant phonemes according to their place of articulation. They help to identify problems with pronouncing particular phonemes and to work on correcting them based on the place of articulation. They improve the auditory differentiation...
Articulation training cards for re-educating students in the correct pronunciation of consonant clusters (bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr). It also includes cards with pictures and words that contain the consonant clusters being worked on for additional phonetic exercises.
LECTO-BITS D’INITIATION A LA LECTURE PAR LES VOYELLES. Cartes d’initiation à une lecture facile par les voyelles grâce à un système d’entraînement ludique :  les «Lecto-bits ». Permet de développer l’habileté à la lecture sans la nécessité de connaître toutes les lettres de l’alphabet (seulement les voyelles). Contient six niveaux de difficulté. Les...
LOGO-BITS DE CAPACITÉ ARTICULATOIRE POUR CORRIGER LA PRONONCIATION SELON LE POINT D’ARTICULATION. Cartes d’entraînement phonologique et articulatoire pour pratiquer grâce à la répétition de toutes les  différentes associations de consonnes au sein de groupes bisyllabiques, et ainsi faciliter l’obtention des points d’articulation corrects et le contrôle...
LOGO-BITS POUR BIEN PRONONCER LES GROUPES CONSONANTIQUES. Cartes d’entraînement articulatoire pour rééduquer la prononciation correcte des consonnes consonantiques (bl, cl, fl, gl, pl –  br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, vr).  Également incluses des fiches-mots et des fiches-images contenant les groupes consonantiques travaillées afin de compléter le travail...
Skills Development Games

Logo-bits de discrimination (ch/s) et (j/z)

LOGO-BITS DE DISCRIMINATION (CH/S) ET (J/Z). Cartes d’entraînement articulatoire pour rééduquer la prononciation correcte des phonèmes Ch / S et J / Z, et améliorer la discrimination auditive entre eux (CH / S) (J / Z). Elles sont utiles pour corriger les troubles d’articulation comme le retard de parole. Ce matériel est composé de fiches de bisyllabes...
Skills Development Games

Lotto: 72 food items

A lotto game of 72 food items to practice association in two different ways: picture plus picture, and picture plus word (name of the food item).
Skills Development Games

Lotto: 72 animals

A lotto game of 72 animals to practice association in two different ways: picture plus picture, and picture plus word (name of the animal).
Skills Development Games

Rewritable dice

1 Reviews
Set of three rewritable dice with an erasable felt-tip pen for working on all kinds of concepts.
1 Reviews
Throw the dice and let your imagination run wild. Make up stories with the characters, animals, objects and actions that appear on the dice.
2 Reviews
A game for learning to construct sentences with up to 90 pictograms of characters from classic childrens stories. Build lots of sentences with 15 dice which, depending on their colour, represent the different elements of a sentence.
Skills Development Games

Set of assorted dice

1 Reviews
Contains 10 dice which can be customized with more than 100 stickers for practising basic concepts such as animals, the five senses, the emotions, numbers from 1 to 10, geometric figures, vehicles, addition and subtraction, etc.
Skills Development Games


A briefcase containing 216 letter cards with capitals on one side and lower case on the other. It also includes letters from the alphabets of other languages.
Skills Development Games

Macro puzzle abecedario

Make and complete the alphabet with this macro puzzle. Match the objects with their corresponding initial. A puzzle size poster is included.
Skills Development Games

Photo-making words

32 photos and 88 letters to form the word represented by each photo. It also lets you create lots of other words. It can be used to form words in 11 different languages.
Skills Development Games

Autodictado sustantivos

1 Reviews
Association game to match 108 nouns with their corresponding image. It is available in a wide variety of languages.

What is childhood dysphasia?

Dysphasia is a disorder in language acquisition that manifests itself when it comes to expressing and understanding language. Children with dysphasia have impaired expression and language. They express themselves through gestures or mimicry.

Although it may seem a little strange, the dysphasia is explained by everything it is not. This refers to the fact that dysphasia is considered to be a problem that is perceived in language and that is not attributed to intellectual disability, sensory problems, psychological trauma or obvious brain damage.

What are the main symptoms of dysphasia?

The most common symptoms of dysphasia in children are related to language expression and understanding and will help you diagnose it:

  • Does not pronounce grammar elements to organize phrases.
  • They usually have no communication intentions.
  • They cannot use personal pronouns.
  • They use the verbs in infinitive.
  • They don't know how to remember and repeat very long sentences.
  • They relate well through gestures.
  • They repeat words without knowing their meaning.

All this is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Spatial-temporal alteration.
  • Problems in orofacial praxis.
  • Psychomotor difficulties
  • Attention deficit and hyperactivity.
  • Alterations in auditory memory.

It is frequent to find difficulties or problems to differentiate sounds, memorize, pay attention, fine motor activities (such as painting with pencil, brush, waxes...), change the body scheme from right to left and in the visual- spatial perception.

The symptoms of dysphasia in children and their evolution depend very much on the specific case. In some cases, the language difficulties are more severe and it is difficult to progress in the treatment, while in others, there is another series of cases that only deal with a series of disorders that affect the child.

Classification of dysphasias in children

Within this section are different classifications that meet different criteria. The classification is divided into motor or expressive, sensory or receptive and mixed.

  • Motor or Expressive Dysphasia, characterized by intelligence, hearing and understanding of language within normal limits. They are incapable of imitating words, phonemes and not being able to have spontaneous language.
  • Sensory or Receptive, also known as \verbal deafness\". Patients have a normal or delayed coefficient. They are unable to name objects, cannot imitate words or interpret environmental language.
  • Mixed dysphasia, has motor and sensory symptoms.

Childhood Dysphasia: Causes

The most common causes of dysphasia in children are genetic and neurobiological factors. It affects both sexes differently. So far there are more boys than girls with dysphasia.

As we have already explained, there are different types of dysphasia. And in many cases it is difficult to detect what the causes are but others are related to:

  • Brain injury or lack of oxygen when the baby is born.
  • A head trauma at the time of delivery.
  • Diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis that affect the central nervous system.

It is not easy to find out whether or not the disease is due to a brain injury. Therefore, it cannot be said that these are the causes of the problem, but they do influence the delay in ripening.

There are more factors that can trigger the problem, such as a long hospital stay or a bad family environment.

Consequences of dysphasia

Children with dysphasia have difficulty in expressing themselves and understanding, which is why society isolates them and makes it difficult for them to integrate socially. Because of this, misdiagnoses such as delayed language development, deafness, or autism are made.

These problems influence the academic level, in most cases there is a failure of literacy and basic learning.

The consequence of all this will be psychological disorders such as affective disorders, emotional problems, anxiety traits, self-esteem deficits and sometimes character problems.

The evolution and the consequences really depend on each child and on the way they are treated.

How to help children with dysphasia at home

Dysphasia in children can be progressively overcome when appropriate methods are used. It is advisable to know that all cases are different and independent, so that learning must also be individualized so that the expected objectives can be achieved. Before attempting to correct defects or remove barriers, treatment should be adapted to different cases in particular

The neurological and psychological maturity of the child is essential for setting goals and intervention strategies.

It is recommended that parents of children with dysphasia be well informed and participate in their children's treatment. The intervention strategy depends on the case of dysphasia, but here are some games or activities that may help.

When we try to interact with children with dysphasia we must be aware that the sick person knows what he or she means and hears the words correctly in his or her head.

Rather than attempting to correct shortcomings or remove barriers, programmes should be tailored to each particular learning case. The language should be made accessible to the child by means of speech therapy material where he or she can work on the linguistic elements that cause him or her the most difficulty.

Alternative and augmentative communication systems are increasingly being used, as opposed to other intervention strategies when there is a lack of oral language development.

Games for children with children's dysphasia

  • Auditory discrimination exercises: through which the child learns to distinguish different sounds that are familiar.
  • Exercises to expand vocabulary: from concepts, words, knowledge that later increase in level of difficulty. These exercises are very useful with language games. Story dice, photos and bit logos will get you to practice your vocabulary and work on it like a game. The child will strive to tell stories through the images that their educators will show them. In this way, too, they will work the memory.
  • Exercises and oral-facial praxies to achieve a perfect pronunciation, a good exercise for it is the game of the blow.
  • Activities to place semantic fields such as association games. With these image cards and through games the child will learn to associate concepts with common features or to place them within the same lexical family.
  • You can also use more games and exercises that increase verbal comprehension, exercise your morphosynthetics and understand the irganization and structuring of phrases and sentences.
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